Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Specials are an English 2 Tons Ska band formed in 1977 in covenrty. This is a very sereotypical cover for a Ska band. This is because it has everything that is asociated with the Ska genre, such as a man in a trilbe wearing a plain black suit with a black skinny tie, it also has the black and white checks across the bottom of the cover, and finally the cover has only black and white on it.

Front cover developments

In recent developments i have decided to abandon the idea of spliting the cover into four sections, this is because after looking at other ska bands album covers none of them have front covers that have been spit into sections. It has become apparent to me that this idea does not fit in with the Ska genre. Instead i will be having a picture of the band all together in an urban location, which fits with the Ska genre. I will experiment with the backround to make the image most effective.

Blur Cover

This is an album cover for the band "Blur" who are an english alternative rock band from London. Like the previous post this cover had been slpit into sections but this time it isnt the band members its some black and white cartoons each with a different coloured back round to represent each of the characters personalities. My original ideas are to split the cover up into four sections with each section ahving a member of the band in and they will be posing in a way wich they think shows their personality to the audience.