Thursday 23 September 2010

This is us attempting the maddness walk as seen
on the music video "one step beyond by the maddness"


  1. An improvement on last year Andrew and indicating engagement with the project. Remember to get your story boards onto your blog and shooting schedule, this is very important.

    More research into the Ska genre is important plus you need to do your analysis of music videos similoar to the band you are promoting, and your analysis of Africa Shox which we discussed in class.

  2. Not a lot done since I last monitores your blog 5 weeks ago!!!. Andy if you are to achieve a reasonable grade for the research and planning aspects of your music video you are going to have to do a lot more work.

    At present this component is a borderline E/U with a great deal more research and planning to go onto your blog. For example much more analysis of music videos of similar artists, films which reflect aspects of the genre ("This is England"), clips from slap stick comedies which I discussed with your group in the editing room, plus story boards.
