Wednesday 13 October 2010

This image from one step beyond by madness has some mayjor signifiers of the Ska genre such as the phone boxes which conote england we also see this in british programes such as Doctor Who and This Is England 86. The costume of the man in the image is plane black suit which is used alot in other Ska music videos, we also use this in our music video. The man in the image is skanking which is a dance move invented by madness which was done at all Ska gigs in the 80's and early to mid 90's but these days you only see it done by the old Ska fans.


  1. Andrew - you don't seem to have any of the three 'Audience Research' tasks posted to your blog. These were due last week. You should have:
    - Discussion of concepts of identity (Find Your Tribe and Maffesoli)
    - An audience profile (based on the spider diagram we did in class)
    - Analysis of the audiences of three similar audiences

    Ensure these are all completed and posted in the next 7 days (see me if you need any help).

  2. There is little evidence of any work on target audience. Consequently no grade can be given for this component of the coursework.

  3. Andrew - is your blog not working. You haven't posted anything for a month? Something must be seriously wrong. What's going on?
