Monday 11 April 2011

Question 2

Q2:How effective is the combination of your main product with ancillary texts? My print productions are linked with my music video firstly because I have used screen shots from my music video for the third panel and also for the fourth panel.(pictures) This is because the shots have used capture the essence of the music video because of the lighting and the facial expressions on the band members face. My print productions are also linked with my music video because I have used the same locations for the filming and the photo shoots this helps the audience to identify the pictures on the album with the music video. My promotional page for the album is very easy to understand and it is clear what it is clear what it is promoting because I have kept it simple. I have placed the name of the band in big letters across the top, made the date it is coming out in clear letters and just added a star rating of it by the magazine it is in which is “NME“ keeping it simple males it more accessible to the audience and also they wont get bored of it is something that they can just take a glance at and get all the information they need and the design style I have chosen will catch their eye so even though it is simple, they wont just flick past it.. The four panels on the dig pack I made have a recurring theme of urban scenery which the audience can recognise as the bands trademark theme that they can use to boost their likeability by showing the audience they are just like them and we have chosen costumes that highlights how humble they are and aren’t conforming to today’s music industry by trying to set new fads or being outrageous. My advert will appear in “NME” this is because this magazine has all sorts of non mainstream genres in it and it is also know for finding some great new up and coming bands that have now become famous through “NME”. It will also appear in NME because this magazine as a massive fan base because of all the different genres it has inside this leads to thousands of people subscribing to it which will promote the band to a whole knew audience.

1 comment:

  1. This response doesn’t reflect convincing understanding of the importance of a coherent promotional package and the necessary link between the main task and the ancillary tasks. Poor punctuation lead to confusion – I’m not altogether sure whether you are talking about your digipak or your magazine advertisement. Minimal-basic understanding in this response.
