Monday 11 April 2011

Question 4

Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? The way media texts are being planed, researched, produced and distributed is changing because of the development of media technologies, now media texts can be easily distributed onto the internet on websites such as youtube, this has made research for similar texts extremely easy all you have to do is type in what you want a video of and hundreds of matches will come up. The technologies I have used during my production work for my music video was an editing programme I also used a video camera and I used a website for unsigned bands to find the soundtrack fro my music video. And for my print productions I used a digital stills camera and I used Photoshop to make the panels for my digi pack. For both my music video and digi pack I used the website this website made it possible for my teacher to see how my work is progressing and also making it easier for me to keep my coursework in order. These have developed my work by being easy to use and being able to tweak aspects that I felt needed changing to make it more aesthetically pleasing.The digital cameras allowed me to view raw footage, this made it possible to select different pieces of footage and to see what kind of shots I still needed or whether I needed to improve on the shots I had get some shots from different angle distances etc….Editing on the computer made it possible for me to add effects where I thought it was needed I could slow things down, speed them up, fade shots together, place one shot on top of another and also change the contrast of colour , make it brighter put I coloured filter over it or change it to black and white. All of these effects helped me to make my music video more creative and interesting. For my print productions Photoshop allowed me to merge several images together ,It also let me change the contrast of colour and to add coloured filters and to also use effects that changes to outlines of the picture ie; tile effect, poster effect and sponge effect. New technologies are allowing more people to go from being the audience to being a producer, this is possible because there are now an assortment of programmes that allow you to edit your own clips, and you can now upload your own videos onto social network sights such as facebook, myspace and youtube. The technology I ued to insert the still into my evaluation has helped me give a visual of what I am trying to get across which I can also use the images to back my points up. I put my music video on you tube and also on face book and the feedback I got was very helpful in answering the questions in this evaluation it gave me quotes and it also gave me some interesting statistics to write about.

1 comment:

  1. A pity you didn’t include some of the quotes from user comments on you tube in Question 3! You cover the main new media technologies which have assisted the development of your coursework. A rather stronger response here than in Questions 2 & 3 indicating you are more familiar with using these technologies. With more organisation, specifically punctuation (full stops) and paragraphing you could have strengthened your grade. Mainly basic understanding; strong Level 2 for your response to question 4.
