Monday 11 April 2011

Question 3

Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback? The research method we used was a questionnaire which consisted of 13 questions this would give us a good idea of what was good in our music video and our Digi pack and also what wasn’t effective and how we could improve it. The number of participants we had was 12 pupils aged 16-17. For some of the questions they had to give a score out of five 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. The questions they had to answer with a mark out of five were; How much did you enjoy the music video?, Did it hold your attention?, How do you rate the camera work and editing? and How do you rate the standard of mise-en-scene? These questions gave us a clear sight into how well the music video appeals to our target audience which are teenagers. The next set of questions they had to answer were; Were there any aspects you found offensive? And Was there any part you found confusing or hard to understand? These questions gave us feedback for whether we had done something that could lead to the viewer disliking the video and not watching it again. The next set of questions the participants had to answer were questions where you had to circle the answer you agreed with the first question was “ Was the music video A) too short B) correct length C) too long and D) don’t know” this showed us whether out music video should longer, shorter or if we should keep it the same. The second question the participants had to answer was Would you listen to it again? They had to choose Yes, No or undecided this question showed us whether we were successfully appealing to our target audience which is teenagers. Another question that was on the questionnaire was “ what was the best part of the production?” this showed us what our audience enjoyed the most about or video. Another question on the questionnaire was “Does this video reflect the style of the music?” this gave us an insight into whether the our audience found it easy o recognise the genre of music. The next question on the questionnaire was “Does this video successfully promote the artist /band/ group?” this shoed us whether were successfully promoting the band or not. The last question was “Can you suggest anything that could improve the appeal?” this question was particularly helpful to us because it told us exactly how we could improve our music video. In the feedback we got from our questionnaires we noticed that the girls that watched our video enjoyed it more than the boys. This could be the case because in our music video the lead singer is a girl and she dominates the shots of the band, this challenges the normal role of a female in a music video which is them mainly been see as more of an object rather than them being in charge or having any power. This suggests that the male participants don’t like the change of roles in our music video and that the female participants do like the change of roles and possibly find it empowering. Apart from this there weren’t any other major differences that were consistent. From the feedback we have received we have decided that we have chosen the right demographic and that we have included aspects that they can relate to and that our music video does successfully promote the band and that we did make our music video by focussing on what the audience would enjoy and not just for ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Rather than explain the questions you could’ve scanned the questionnaires onto your blog!!!!.

    An undeveloped evaluation of audience response and reflecting minimal understanding of the importance of responding to positive and negative aspects of feedback.
